Therapy Options
MEET OURA Innovative Technology
Your Health Journey Starts with
Sleep and a RING..
Day and night, Ōura helps you realize your potential through three simple scores: Readiness, Sleep, and Activity. While you’re awake, Ōura captures data that reflects your activity and movement. When you’re sleeping, Ōura captures meaningful data as nighttime is the best opportunity to get an accurate read on your overall health as your body is in a more consistent state.
Sleep Therapy FWS/Fisher Wallace Stimulator
The Fisher Wallace device is cleared by the FDA to use at home on a daily basis for 20 minutes (twice-daily for the treatment of anxiety and/or depression). Cleared by the FDA for the treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia, and prescribed by over 14,000 providers nationwide, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator® has gained acceptance by the medical community by being clinically proven in multiple studies.
Countdown to Oak the new wearable technology for mental health
Oak arrives!
Silver Plan
Brain Health Business Coaching; Oura - Tracks Deep Sleep, Body Readiness Score, Heart Rate Variability and Body TemperatureorFWS- Wearable device to reduce Depression and Anxiety Symptoms while improving sleep Four Coaching Session every other week with Pamela Tremblay 45 minute sessions
Silver Plan $1100Gold Plan
Brain Health Business Coaching: Oura - Tracks Deep Sleep, Body Readiness Score, Heart Rate Variability and Body Temperature Oak - Wearable device to reduce Depression and Anxiety Symptoms while improving sleep Six Coaching Session once a week with Pamela Tremblay 45 minute session.
Gold Plan $2125Platinum Plan
Brain Health Business Coaching Oura - Tracks Deep Sleep, Body Readiness Score, Heart Rate Variability and Body Temperature FWS - Wearable device to reduce Depression and Anxiety Symptoms while improving sleep Eight Coaching Session once a week with Pamela Tremblay 45 minute sessions Leather Bound Journal Water Bottle Tapping Solution App Subscription Qi Workout or Meditation App
Platimun Plan $2975 -
Brain Health Coaching Sessions
Pamela Tremblay's Virtual Brain Health Coaching Session is a multi-modal approach that uncovers the root cause of your stagnation or self destructive patterns. Patterns you acquire over time such as increased drinking, sleeping issues, dehydration, anxiety, depression, and addiction. These issues can cause problems in your motivation, stress levels, relationships, even your work performance. Anger ourbursts, low sex drive, belly fat, insomnia, anxiety, and joint pain are just a few symptoms that could be a sign that a Brain Health Coaching Plan is right for you.
Good brain health starts with good sleeping patterns, sufficient water intake, healthy nutrition, supplementation and daily movement. These brain health behaviors have tremendous potential to change your mindset and even your moods. Awareness from virtual coaching sessions can identify, interrupt, and change the direction of your life by implementing cutting edge technology such as OURA and FWS and other tools impacting your brain health, productivity, focus and motivation. Best part, it's a business expense. 😌
For Brain Health
Only Current Brain Health Coaching Clients can purchase supplements.
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